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TEDxXIE 2019

In the spirit of "ideas worth spreading", TEDxXIE hosted its fourth edition of TEDx event with the theme "Wings of Liberty", betokening when an individual is free to pursue his/her ambitions or ideas without any restrain, having the freedom to make choices for his/her own benefits and that of the society.

The event was organized by a third year EXTC student, Antoinette Fernandes who got her License approved by TED on 19th November, 2018.

The audience witnessed 6 extraordinary speakers with idea’s that had the power to change people’s life, way of thinking and ultimately the world.

Speaker 1 : Ngurang Reena

Ngurang Reena is a former Assistant Professor of Miranda House, Delhi University. She is currently perusing her PhD research from Centre for European Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. Recently she was a Joint-Sec candidate for JNUSU election 2018. She is a strong social activist-feminist from Arunachal Pradesh and constantly fights for rights in her state.


Sandeep Reddy is the business unit head of one of the most prominent business of Abbott India Limited and he has done his General Management Program from Harvard Business School and is an alumnus of HBS. He is one of the youngest business leaders in the industry and is a coach and mentor to many in the industry.


Dr. Rajeswari Sengupta is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) in Mumbai, India. In the past, she has held research positions at the Institute for Financial Management and Research (IFMR) in Chennai, the Reserve Bank of India, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in Washington D.C. She was a member of the research secretariat for the Bankruptcy Law Reforms Committee (BLRC) that recommended the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 for India.


A Teacher, a Banker and finally a Police officer, with a short stint in Politics, life has been on the roll for Prem Krishan Jain. He has always kept his feet firmly on the ground, with an empathy towards people, both within the Force and outside. Even in the worst of the situations, a cool mind, dedication and commitment, unswerving loyalty to his "practical" and "positive" line of thinking to find solutions rather than fault finding, has been his forte and seen him through very tense, tough and professionally challenging situations.


Nicole Concessao is the co-founder of Team Naach, a dance company which is a leading content creator in India. With over 250 million views till date to almost 2M subscribers on YouTube, Nicole followed her passion and started Naach to demonstrate her passion to individuals alike across the globe.

Speaker 6 : Veer Mishra

Co-founder & Head of Product Strategy at Vedalabs. Working on building the next wave of human-driven machine intelligence.

The credits for organizing such awe- inspiring event go to all the 28 members of the TEDxXIE event. The dedication and mind-set of the team is what led us to unleashing of new ideas to inspire.